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Questions frequently asked by our customers
Someone may have asked the questions before you.
Please read through our questions and answers below. If you would still like some clarity or have a new questions please don't hesitate to contact us.
Will this hair colour cover grey hair?
Our colours offer effective grey coverage when the instructions are followed. Here are a few tips that will help you achieve the best from your organic color:
Ensure your hair is clean and free natural oils and any styling products.
Mix the color as per the grey coverage instructions (see instructions inside pack)
Leave the color on for the reccommended time for grey coverage (see instructions inside pack)
Is this product safe to use in pregnancy?
Our product is 100% Certified Organic with NASAA and is made from botanical ingredients such as plant leaves and berries. If you are concerned, have never used this product before, have had complications or suffer from any medical condition during your pregnancy we recommend you print out our ingredients list and consult your health care professional before using this or ANY natural product.
Is this product vegan friendly?
YES, it is vegan friendly!
Our products are made from plants only and definitely NOT tested on animals.
How long will the colour last?
Our colours are semi-permanent and the rich color will last 4 to 6 weeks before fading. Our lighter shades of colour such as Sun Shadow may fade more than our darker shades such as Chocolate Shadow.
Once you have used Desert Shadow consistently for a while (4 – 6 months) you will find that the colour builds up to a beautiful, deep, permanent shade.
Repeated use will see your colour become richer and in some cases darker. Once you achieve the colour shade you like, simply apply to the roots only and do a full application every 4th or 5th time to boost the colour at the ends.
After longer term use, the colour may not completely fade from the hair especially if your natural color/regrowth is a lot lighter than the organic color chosen. For this reason we do not recommend our colours for people who like to change from dark to light or anyone who is considering going blonde in the near future as our plant dyes are amazingly strong and like to stay in your hair.
Does this product contain harmful chemicals?
This product is made from 100% certified organic botanical ingredients. This means it contains only the plants natural components some of which are derived from the soil they grow in. Our plants are tested for heavy metals with each new crop and no chemical ingredients are added to our colors EVER.
Does this product contain henna?
This product does contain henna. Henna alone will give a beautiful vibrant red colour but when mixed with our other plant ingredients you can get shades of light to dark red as well as shades of light to dark brown. We don't call our hair colours henna, because it is not the only ingredient.
Why do we use it in our products?
The only way to get a genuine certified organic hair colour is by using plants in their raw form. Henna is a plant, indigo is a plant, amla is a plant and so is cassia, chamomile and aloe vera. Different plants give different colours or properties and when mixed together you can get many shades as you can see on our hair colour chart. We are not 'organic concept' we ARE certified organic!
What effect will it have on my hair?
Henna is good for your hair & scalp, and has been used in Ayurveda for a long time to help with many different conditions. It will strengthen your hair, bring back shine and improve the health of the scalp.
You can see our diagrams of how it works here.
What do hairdressers say about this product?
We have many natural hairdressers that love using our products on their customers! They are committed to offering a genuine organic alternative that is good for their clients (and themselves). These professionals focus more on the benefits of using our products and are not so concerned with customer turn over or time it takes to apply. A dryer can be used to reduce the processing time to 1.5 hours.
Some hairdressers may be wary of our product because the henna content is not compatible with chemical colours... meaning it is not easy to bleach out. The reds can be lightened out over a period of time however, the browns will need to grow out and cannot be lightened. In saying this, the colours can be matched or darkened without a problem. This product is not about changing your hair colour with the seasons, it is more about being natural and having a natural lifestyle. It also takes longer to mix and develop, which can deter some hairdressers, but we can promise the result is worth the time.
In the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's henna products were used in hairdressing salons regularly and many people were trained in the use of this wonderful natural product. These days the courses offered in hairdressing are influenced by brands that make chemical hair colours so they discourage the use of natural products such as henna ( because they are not compatible). Luckily, we are committed to educating and spreading the word about natural alternatives.
*Please note: We are talking about natural henna not the henna that has been mixed with chemicals.
I am allergic to regular hair colours.
Can I use this product?
This product is made from plants and contains no added chemicals that your regular hair colors have. For this reason it is a safe alternative for people who suffer from PPD allergies or other allergies as a result from using regluar hair colors. We do reccommend you first perform a skin sensitivity test (see link below) before full application to make 100% certain this product is right for you. Even natural products may irritate some people........ Severe reactions are rare but can happen. If you have any concerns, think you may be allergic or have had a reaction to similar products in the past please contact us before suing this product.
Can I use this product over previously coloured hair?
You can use this product over previously coloured hair. Our colours contain no metallic salts or added chemicals. You can view our suggestions about how to approach this in the link below.
If you have have salon treated hair or have used chemical dyes in the past and have never used this product before, it is important that you do a strand test before fully applying this Organic Hair Color, to ensure you will achieve the desired shade and conditioning effect you are wanting. Collect some hair from your hairbrush & use this for testing or apply to a section of your hair behind your ear or towards the back. Ensure you follow all instructions and steps including wrapping the tested hair to create a warm and moist environment. See strand test instructions (link above) for full detailed steps.
Can I use a chemical hair colour product after using this colour?
If you intend to lighten, bleach or colour your hair blonde in the future, we do not recommend you use this or any product containing natural Indigofera tinctoria (indigo) or lawsionia inermis leaf (henna).
If you wish to use another hair colour product which has a similar shade or darker this will be fine. Again, it is important that you do a strand test before fully applying any other brand of hair colour, to ensure you will achieve the desired result. Collect some hair from your hairbrush and use this for testing or apply to a section of your hair behind your ear or towards the back. Ensure you follow all instructions and steps given by the other hair color brand. See strand test instructions (link above) for full detailed steps.
What is the difference between organic concept, natural and certified organic hair colours?
Organic concept hair colours have adapted their products to contain no ammonia and no peroxide but do still contain things such as PPD and other ingredients that may still not be ideal for use on the skin.They may have some organic ingredients in the product, but will not be wholly organic. Many 'salon use only' companies that make organic concept colours are not willing to disclose their ingredient list. They may be slightly better than a commercial colour off the supermarket shelf but this cannot be determined without a full ingredients list. These products are NOT certified organic (meaning the organic content is not regulated)
Natural hair colours have also adapted their products to contain no ammonia, no peroxide but again they do still contain some ingredients found in your standard off the shelf colours. They are a better alternative if you still wish to lighten your hair or are not fully committed to the no-tox lifestyle. They contain natural ingredients along with some other ingredients too. These products are NOT certified organic (meaning the organic content is not regulated).
Certified organic hair colours contain ingredients that are certified by a recognised and acredited body. The products are inspected and audits are performed to ensure the products are really as natural and organic as they say they are. These products do not have any chemicals added.
Can I mix different colours together?
We have taken the guess work out and covered most of the colours. If you would really like to mix the colors to create your own shade please contact us for guidance. We may be able to help you take some of the guess work out.
I have used the colour and the smell is still in my hair. Will it fade?
This product is made from plants so it smells different to your usual hair color. You could describe the smell to be a little like cut grass and even quite earthy. The mixed spice sachet will help to tone that smell down. A faint smell may also linger after you initially wash the color paste from your hair. This is usually due to some residue being left behind and not being washed out completely. Don't worry, the smell will fade after a few good washes. If you want this smell to fade quicker you can wash your hair well, you can also prepare a rinse of diluted rose water and that will take the smell right out. We also have some tips here on how to make your hair color smell divine